Two yellow benches at the side of a flooded path in Samana, Dominican Republic. The ground is flooded with muddy water. The sky is gray and palm trees are blowing in the wind.

Hispanic Federation creates $100,000 fund for the Dominican Republic after Hurricane Fiona

The $100,000 will support various NGOs as they seek to support and deliver aid to impacted regions of the Dominican Republic following Hurricane Fiona.


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The Hispanic Federation has announced a $100,000 emergency assistance fund to support non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are providing aid to those most impacted by Hurricane Fiona.

The nonprofit organization has a long history of seeking to empower and advocate for Hispanic communities, focusing on low-income, marginalized, and immigrant Latinos.

“Hurricane Fiona has stranded Dominican families without access to basic necessities like food, clean water, and shelter. In this time of great need, we’re grateful to be able to stand with our people in the Dominican Republic and help them rebuild and recover from this disaster,” said Frankie Miranda, president and CEO of the Hispanic Federation. 

“Every dollar of the Hispanic Federation’s Emergency Assistance fund will support organizations embedded within communities in need,” he continued.

The Federation’s fund will support: Fundación Sur Futuro, DREAM Project, Jompéame, and Comunidad de Padres Dominicos.

Fundación Sur Futuro is organizing a drop-off point in Santo Domingo, collecting food, clothing, and personal hygiene products to affected families in the province of La Altagracia. The fund will help them purchase additional necessities to be distributed across affected areas.

The DREAM Project is providing necessities to affected households in the Samaná province, using the fund to develop a long-term plan to address food insecurity in Samaná following the destruction of agricultural products in the hurricane.

Jompéame is distributing food and mattresses as it rebuilds schools and homes destroyed by the hurricane in the Samaná region, installing durable zinc roofs to protect against future hurricanes.

Comunidad de Padres Dominicos, based in the rural community of El Seibo, will use the funding to provide food after 70% of the area's agriculture was destroyed, and rebuild roofs of approximately 50 houses.

“Hurricane Fiona devastated the region and has caused significant damage throughout the Dominican Republic, and it will take each of us working together to ensure these communities are not left behind and families have the necessary resources to rebuild and recover,” said Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13). 

“I commend the Hispanic Federation on today’s announcement to provide direct assistance to families in need and encourage others to follow this example to help safeguard the livelihood of millions of Hurricane Fiona survivors throughout the impacted region,” he added.

The Hispanic Federation is urging philanthropic partners to donate and match their funding to provide urgent and life-saving assistance to those in need. Those interested in donating can learn more at their website:


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