Pedro Ramos, President & CEO of the Philadelphia Foundation, will be a 2021 Ambassador Manuel Torres Award recipient. Graphic: Maybeth Peralta/AL DÍA News. 
Pedro Ramos, President & CEO of the Philadelphia Foundation, will be a 2021 Ambassador Manuel Torres Award recipient. Graphic: Maybeth Peralta/AL DÍA News. 

2021 AL DÍA Archetype: Pedro Ramos

Philadelphia Foundation President & CEO will be the recipient of the 2021 Ambassador Manuel Torres Award in the philanthropy category. 


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The sixth annual celebration of America’s Hispanic Heritage — the 2021 AL DÍA Archetypes event — will see 10 outstanding Hispanic professionals be honored with the 2021 Ambassador Manuel Torres Award.

The honorees will be distinguished across 10 categories. They are: public service, non-profit, education, corporate, entrepreneurship, sports, performing arts, philanthropy, media and health.

This year, the honoree in the philanthropy category will be Pedro Ramos, Philadelphia Foundation President & CEO. He has been in the role since August 2015.

Under his leadership, the Philadelphia Foundation, one of the first community foundations in the nation, has raised over $300 million, grown its assets by more than 55% and launched a number of large-scale initiatives.

These initiatives include the Lenfest Institute for Journalism, the PHL COVID-19 Fund, Key to Community Centennial Initiatives, Key Skills Hub/Catchafire partnership, On the Table Philly, and the PhilaImpact Fund collaboration.

Ramos has long had a passion for affecting positive change in the Greater Philadelphia region. Prior to joining the Philadelphia Foundation, he served in a number of roles, including City Solicitor, Managing Director, Board of Education President and Chairman of the School Reform Commission in Philadelphia.

He also has experience as a non-profit executive, having served as Vice President & Chief of Staff to the President at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Ramos also practiced law for nearly two decades, where he worked as a partner in Philly-based national law firms, with a focus on tax-exempt entities, public-private initiatives and compliance. He is a graduate of Central High School, holds a bachelor’s degree in urban studies from the University of Pennsylvania, a juris doctorate from the University of Michigan Law School and an honorary doctorate from Drexel University.

During Hispanic Heritage Month in September, Ramos will be honored as the 2021 AL DÍA Archetype: Ambassador Manuel Torres Award in the category of philanthropy. He will join Damian Rivera, Nathalie Rayes, Noe Ortega and Alejandro Bedoya as five of 10 honorees at this year’s event. 

The remaining honorees will be confirmed in the coming days ahead. 

The 2021 AL DÍA Archetype Hispanic Heritage Gala & Awards Ceremony is set for Friday, Sept. 24, 2021 at the Union League of Philadelphia. To reserve your seat at the premier celebration of America's Hispanic Heritage, click here. 


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