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Better options for the education of our children: Photo: Pixabay.

New program launched in Spanish for more families to access K-12 schools

Hispanics seek access to better education options for their children.


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The National School Choice Awareness Foundation (NSCAF) recently announced the launch of “Conoce tus Opciones Escolares,” (Know your School Options) a new nonprofit program that empowers Spanish-speaking parents with practical and unbiased information about traditional public, public charter, public magnet, private, online and home education.

Through a significant number of resources in Spanish, such as guides and videos, parents now have the opportunity to access the various K-12 school choice options available, a launch that vindicates the results of a recent national survey which indicates that 59% of Hispanic parents actively searched for new or different schools for their children in the past year.

Krissia Campos Spivey, project director of Conoce tus Opciones Escolares, stated:

Nearly 30 percent of Hispanic families say they want school choice information provided in Spanish.

How to Access the Information?

Through the platform, parents can obtain information on how to choose each type of school in their state, answers to common questions, instructional videos and more. Among the most valuable resources, these stand out:

  • Narrative roadmaps to school choice options in each U.S. state
  • Explanations for how parents can access different types of schools
  • Tips for successfully starting and completing the school search process
  • Culturally relevant videos, e.g. contrasting U.S. and Latin American education systems

“Parents have a lot of questions about how they can choose the right school for their children. We know how important family is, which is why language should never be a barrier for parents to know their school choice options,” added Campos Spivey. 

Over the next year, the program's impact will expand to include additional publishing, content-sharing partnerships with nonprofits, and special events.

About Conoce tus Opciones Escolares

Designed to empower Hispanic parents to successfully find schools and learning environments that best meet the needs of their children, this platform offers the nation's largest online portfolio of Spanish-language school navigation resources for families.

It is a charitable program of NSCAF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It also hosts National School Choice Week, the largest annual series of events and activities focused on K-12 education.

“I am honored to lead a program that addresses the urgent need to improve educational outcomes for Hispanic students in the United States. The high school dropout rate for Hispanic students is 65 percent higher than it is for white students, and the disruptions to K-12 education over the last two years have made the racial achievement gap even worse. When I think about the future I want for my sons, I know this project will help parents successfully access school choice options for their children,” ended Campos Spivey.


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