Graphic to illustrate women's presence on corporations.
Strengthening the presence of women in corporate leadership positions. Photo: Pixabay.

New How Women Lead’s initiative to boost representation of Latina leaders

The organization continues to support programs focused on breaking down barriers and promoting positive change for women.


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The renowned community of more than 15,000 successful executive women recently announced a major effort to empower 1,000 Latinas to strengthen their business leadership skills through its Latinas in Sight initiative.

Julie Castro Abrams, CEO and Founder of How Women Lead, stated:

We’re not going to wait for other people to break down barriers for us.

Equity for Latinas

By promoting Latina representation on corporate boards, Latinas in Sight makes available to Hispanic women all its training resources, as well as its entire network of philanthropic connections willing to generate social impact and support organizations focused and led by Latinas.

It also works to expand entrepreneurship opportunities, specifically for Latinas, and to create research and policy opportunities to reduce barriers to success.

“Latinas in Sight is unabashedly united, networked and focused on making positive change in business, finance, venture, government, and nonprofits to bring the brilliance, expertise and energy of talented Latinas to bear everywhere across the country,” added Castro Abrams.

The organization is overseen by How Women Lead's Latina Advisory Council, comprised of 19 successful Latina leaders: Adriana Ayala, Alison Richards, Carmen Palafox, Catalina Cisneros, Christine Switzer, Deborah Álvarez-Rodríguez, Eugenia Hernández, Grace Colón, Helen Torres , Jenny Carrillo, Kristin Nevarez, Lili Gangas, Lori Martínez, María Hernándes, María Lemus, Oriana Branon, Sandra Valdiosera, Teresa Alvarado, and Yai Vargas.

October Event

Latinas in Sight presents a new online event called “Meet Your Match: Level Up Your Financial Planning,” which will take place on Wednesday, October 5 at 8:00 a.m. PDT. The cost to access this programming is $30.

The session will feature a discussion with three financial experts and it will advice on resources and questions to ask, as well as credentials to look for to identify the right advisor. 

Panelists include Vivienne Hsu, Moderator, CFA, Founder and CEO of LENDonate; Noel Pacarro Brown, CIMA, CPWA, financial advisor and first Vice President of Morgan Stanley; Monika Agarwal, Vice President and Banker at JP Morgan Private Bank; Claudia Rivas, Senior Financial Advisor and Senior Vice President at Merrill Lynch; and Desiree Maldonado, CPWA, CFP, CIMA, financial advisor to Popular Securities.

“We know anytime a woman of color breaks down barriers and joins boards, takes senior leadership roles, invests in other businesses, or puts their energy to work for social change, their effort benefits everyone and every organization,” concluded Castro Abrams.

About How Women Lead

Founded in 2011, the organization fights for change at all levels by affecting systems reform, mobilizing a movement, offering training, and providing access to opportunity.

How Women Lead's philanthropic arm, How Women Give, provides invaluable grants and connections to women's and girls' organizations on the front lines of today's most critical issues. And its sister organization, How Women Invest, invites women to play big and powerful in ventures, making significant investments and driving high-potential women-led companies at scale.


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