Jennifer Low and Sean Williams opened their cake shop in 2015.
Jennifer Low and Sean Williams opened their cake shop in 2015. Photo: The Frosted Fox Cake Shop.

How The Frosted Fox Cake Shop swiped the hearts of locals in Mt. Airy

Co-founder Jennifer Low has survived COVID-19 on the backs of custom birthday cakes.


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When was the last time you treated yourself to a mouthwatering, chocolate chip fudge brownie that melted in your mouth?

Why not hit a local bakery, like The Frosted Fox Cake Shop in Mt. Airy, and dive into some homemade goodness.

Owners of The Frosted Fox, Jennifer Low, and Sean Williams, met each other in their first year of culinary school.

It wasn’t too long before they dreamed of opening their very own bakery in 2015.

“We have been doing custom cakes and smaller baked goods for people in our neighborhood,” Low said in a recent interview with AL DÍA News.

Some might wonder, why did they give their quaint bakery such a unique name?

“We named the bakery ‘the frosted fox cake shop’ as a reference to Fantastic Mr. Fox, which is both one of my favorite books and movies and was a theme at our wedding,” Low said.

The small bakery quickly earned the attention of people in their neighborhood, and the rest was history.

“Birthday cakes and wedding cakes are usually our specialties but we do have a lot of treats that our neighbors really like,” said Low.

Early on, the business was amazing, and they were proud to say they were living their dream.

But then the COVID-19 pandemic happened, and like thousands in Philadelphia, they had to shut down.

“We had to shut down our business in mid-March for three months, it was pretty scary, no one was having weddings, it was a very weird year,” said Low.

The city of Philadelphia also limited the number of people allowed at large gatherings and get-togethers, leaving Low wondering how her establishment would survive.

“Our wedding cake orders completely died off for a while,” she said while abiding by the city’s orders.

Although their shop stalled at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are now getting orders for much more detailed cakes to make up for the lack of in-person events.

“One thing that we have found out is that since not many people can come to their child’s birthday party, they order elaborate cakes to compensate for not being able to throw a huge party,” she said.

Still, so many brides are contacting Low because they are hoping that their summer weddings will still be in effect.

“It’s hard because nobody really knows how to plan, these brides are really hoping that they will have 150 people in august, but no one really knows,” she explained.

Since they reopened, Low and her employees have been fortunate to see their familiar customers come back to her cake shop.

“Last year we had so many cancellations and postponements, but we are very lucky to have our business back,” she said.

One treat that they are actually known for is something called a scrapple cup, which is a nod to another local fave, scrapple, a breakfast food that is usually fried to perfection and paired with eggs.

“Our scrapple cups are basically a place of cake in a cup, which is a weird little extra thing that we put together, but they’ve become really popular throughout the years,” Low said.

They are also known for their triple chocolate cake, a cake with chocolate cake, chocolate mousse, and chocolate frosting.

Since traveling is unlikely during this time, why not spend a day in Mt. Airy glancing at the historical, charming homes with a scrapple cup from The Frosted Fox Cake Shop in your hand?


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