Panoramic view of the Vatican City.
The important event will take place in the Vatican City. Photo: Pixabay.

Vitae Summit: World stars will join Pope Francis

The International Vitae Foundation is preparing the last details for this important convention about hope and the encounter between people at a global level.


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The International Vitae Foundation, organizer of the first edition of the Vitae Summit, recently announced that great figures and internationally renowned artists will join Pope Francis in the Vatican for this important meeting.

The Summit, which takes place with the leading participation of the Pope, aims to build the beginning of a conversation about how to take advantage of the arts, media and entertainment to trigger a cultural transformation that promotes the common good, hope and the encounter between people globally.

Pope Francis highlighted:

Artists have a very important role in society: To be guardians of beauty in this world, ambassadors of the culture of encounter, and witnesses of hope for all humanity.

First Edition of the Vitae Summit

"A unique meeting of the leading figures in the industry and global artists with Pope Francis to find together solutions and transformative tools that positively impact the world," is pointed out on Vitae’s website.

“Globally, we are constantly receiving negative messages and stimuli via social media and our culture that can end up filling our minds and spirits with hate, frustration and division. Artists have a key responsibility to elevate the culture and that’s what the VITAE SUMMIT aspires to do. Beauty is an immensely powerful force. It can bring healing to the soul, reconciliation to relationships and renewed hope in the face of challenges. By supporting artists in their creative endeavors, VITAE Global aspires to facilitate encounters with beauty that elevate the culture,” noted Luis Quinelli, VITAE Global founder.

The first Vitae Summit will take place in the Casina Pio IV of the Vatican that opens the doors to this great meeting between August 31 and September 1.

“Our intention is to create an opportunity where the participants, with the presence and inspiration of the Holy Father, will be able to share experiences, opinions and to collaboratively find messages that spark inspiration, provoke thought and turn people toward content that is deeply meaningful,” added Quinelli.

In recent years, Quinelli and Vitae's global management team had a series of private meetings with Pope Francis, in which they presented him with the work of the foundation, which has the support of different global leaders, such as Queen Sofia of Spain, and together they agreed that the Vatican would host the event.

For now, the name of the artists has not been revealed, information that Quinelli seeks to reserve until the last moment.

About Vitae

Vitae Global is an international non-profit organization made up of diverse artists, executives and world leaders whose mission is to transmit universal values that positively impact the hearts and spirits of people through the arts, mass media and entertainment.

In December 2020, under the slogan “Dale play a la esperanza” (Give hope a play), the organization launched the song “La Bendición Unidos” (The blessing together), performed by 20 renowned Ibero-American artists that reached tens of millions of people around the world.


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