Children having lunch.
The children will be the most benefited. Photo: Business Wire.

JCPenney announced a three-year $500,000 commitment to Feeding America

The grant starts with the holiday season of 2022 and will run through 2025.


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JCPenney Communities Foundation recently committed to this initiative that seeks to fight food insecurity in America's communities, especially to support diverse working families.

By supporting child hunger initiatives, such as the Summer Food Program, the School Pantry Program, and after-school meal programs, JCPenney reinforces its commitment to Feeding America at a time when food demand throughout the country remains high.

Marc Rosen, JCPenney chief executive officer, stated:

From the recent hurricanes in Puerto Rico and Florida to the financial strains caused by inflation, this year has reminded us that when times are tough, the power of community can be transformational.

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JCPenney's donation will go to programs serving children facing hunger in communities across the US.

Initially, $50,000 will be allocated to support the efforts of the two organizations during the JCP Live Holiday Spectacular on December 1, a Facebook Live hosted by the Backstreet Boys that will unlock additional donations for Feeding America.

“Helping our neighbors is core to our founding principle, the Golden Rule, and we are honored to join forces with Feeding America to support millions of families experiencing food insecurity,” added Rosen.

According to data from Feeding America, in 2021, nearly 34 million people in the United States, including more than 9 million children, were food insecure. Meanwhile, more than 6.6 billion meals were distributed to help people lead more secure and stable lives.

“As higher costs of food, gas and other necessities continue to impact people’s ability to make ends meet, we’re grateful for JCPenney's meaningful donation. Their contribution will help food banks during this challenging time and support child hunger programs that provide children with the nutrition they need to thrive,” stressed Lauren Biedron, vice president of corporate partnerships at Feeding America.


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