AIDS Healthcare Foundation Food for Love initiative in Los Angeles.
Help others with food insecurity on Valentine's Day. Photo: AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).

AHF's Food for Health presents Food for Love for Valentine's Day

Free groceries will be distributed from the Sinclair Hotel in Los Angeles.


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On Tuesday, Feb. 14, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Food for Health Community Farmers Market food distribution program is hosting a free grocery give away for Valentine's Day.

The Food for Love food distribution and shopping cart drop-off will be held at the Sinclair Hotel, one of AHF's Healthy Housing Foundation hotels, which is home to a food distribution every program Tuesday and Thursday.

Sinclair Hotel, one of AHF's Healthy Housing Foundation hotels. Photo: AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).
The Sinclair Hotel, one of AHF's Healthy Housing Foundation hotels. Photo: AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).

Carlos Marroquín, national director of Food for Health Programs for AHF, stated:

This is truly an effort that makes us proud and shows the love AHF has for the community. Together we will be making this Valentine's Day a very special one at the food pantry.

"Full belly, happy heart"

Free groceries such as eggs, milk, bread, freshly-picked vegetables, fruits and other food items will be distributed during the event. Free shopping carts will also be available for guests to help ease the burden of transporting groceries home.

Food for Health also partnered with the Greater Los Angeles Hispanic Dental Association to distribute free dental hygiene kits and provide oral hygiene instructions for children in honor of National Children's Dental Health Month.

“Each guest will also receive flowers and a chocolate covered strawberry to honor them this Valentine's Day. In addition, each guest will receive a free folding shopping cart to ease the burden of transporting their groceries home,” said Marroquín. 

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Food for Health Community Farmers Market program. Photo: AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Food for Health Community Farmers Market program. Photo: AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF).

Get to know: Food for Health

Launched in August 2021 in response to the ongoing food crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, AHF launched Food for Health in Los Angeles to alleviate hunger by repairing and rebuilding local communities using innovative strategies.

The organization highlights the following statistics from the California Department of Public Health that provide proof of the food crisis in the state:

  • 40% of low-income adults in California cannot afford enough food.
  • one in four California children do not have enough to eat
  • More than 7 million Californians were eligible for CalFresh, but approximately 2.5 million did not participate.

“Most of our guest are seniors and families who walk for blocks and/or use public transportation to access our food services. They often struggle to carry the food and produce we give away every week. We are about to change that. Each guest at our ‘Food for Love’ event will receive a folding shopping cart for them to keep. We are very excited to support our communities and go the extra mile to assist them and make their lives a little better,” added Marroquín. 

The initiative will be aided by employees of AHF's Global Advocacy Division, who partnered with Food for Health by providing volunteers to help assemble shopping carts on Saturday, Feb. 11. The Global Advocacy team will also assist the Food for Health team with distribution on Valentine's Day.


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