Nate Mohler in front of one of his digital art pieces.
Nate Mohler, media artist and director. Photo: @NateMohlerArt.

“The Good Society,” a new funding platform for charities

The non-profit funding organization Hero5 is behind the creation of this new initiative.


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The Good Society, a new sustainable funding platform focused on charities, was recently launched by non-profit organization Hero5, becoming the first project targeting Web3 solutions that raises awareness and supports global causes dedicated to impacting our communities in a positive way.

“As the world moves to Web3, charities need more fundraising tools to stay ahead of the curve and embrace new ways to engage potential donors. The Good Society will provide those innovations, allowing them to raise critical funding and awareness for vital causes while feeding the public’s growing interest in digital collectables,” said Sebastien Heimann, founding member and CEO of Heroe5 and The Good Society.

Heimann highlighted:

The Good Society is a vital next step in the evolution of the fundraising industry: a Web3 platform to create art impact experiences. 

Digital Art

About 1,800 items from digital collections, pieces from acclaimed artists, will be featured each month with each release.

Through these select items, different charities that work to improve the environment, wildlife, human rights, collective health, and well-being, will be supported and will receive a percentage of these artistic impact experiences that will also award the tokens’ bearers with access to unique events in perpetuity.

The first program of The Good Society, which benefits Lonely Whale, No More Plastic and Oceanic Global, presents the work “Out of Sight | Out of Mind” by artist Nate Mohler.

A collection of digital pieces scaled to 3840 x 3840 pixels, 26 seconds long, and overlaid with “white noise,” this presentation emphasizes the risk to fragile ocean ecosystems from human-caused plastic pollution in urban settings, highlighting how much remains for learning. Among the various cities, important metropolises, such as London, Los Angeles, and Paris can be recognized.

“No matter where you live, the oceans provide the oxygen you breathe, nurture the food you eat, and regulate the temperature of the air. Without a healthy ocean we’d have a very different experience on land. This series is not of the oceans but of major cities, which emit 60% of all carbon emissions and make up less than 1% of the Earth’s surface. Similar to my ongoing series ‘Painted Cities’ there are three unique styles intended to bring a more ephemeral and dreamlike memory of the city,” noted Mohler. 


One in 15 of the digital collectibles will also give owners access to experiences provided by the organizations and artists benefited by each release.

Some of the experiences related to this major release include:

  • Two front row seats at Paris Fashion Week
  • Two passes to Oceanic Global's annual meeting for ocean conservation
  • An Annual Artist Critique Call with Nate Mohler
  • Invitations to Lonely Whale's annual virtual leadership town hall to discuss their programs and preview their impact report

The platform, which will raise more than $1 million for charities associated with each release, will offer digital collectors the ability to purchase the artwork via credit card or Tez, the Tezos blockchain cryptocurrency, when the piece is minted on August 12. Additionally, as digital collectibles are resold, organizations will receive residual payments for each transaction.


“Lonely Whale’s goal is simple - to keep plastic out of the ocean. We want to thank each person who buys one of Nate Mohler’s striking NFTs through The Good Society, which will support the creative development and market adoption of alternatives to thin-film plastic and directly address the nearly 180 billion polybags used every year by the fashion industry,” stated Harry Bernstein, Chief Creative Officer, Lonely Whale.

“Plastic pollution has become one of the biggest environmental scourges of our time. Microplastics are everywhere: in the deep ocean, in Antarctic ice, even falling rain over mountains and cities. Plastic pollution not only pollutes our planet; it pollutes our blood. We must act and the time is now. We are grateful to The Good Society for entrusting No More Plastic Foundation with this generous funding. With it, we will continue our work to end the cycle of plastics and microplastics flowing into our ocean,” pointed out Rosalie Mann, Founder and President of No More Plastic.

“We live on a blue planet. The ocean covers 70% of the surface of the earth and produces every other breath we take. Our well-being is intrinsically tied to the ocean. Thanks to The Good Society and their innovative fundraising platform and model – and to artiste extraordinaire Nate Mohler – Oceanic Global will be able to keep empowering individuals, communities, and industries to create positive change for a thriving ocean,” added Lea d'Auriol, Founder and Executive Director of Oceanic Global.

About The Good Society

Harnessing the power of non-fungible tokens to fund global initiatives through Web3 technology, The Good Society works hand-in-hand with renowned digital artists to launch a new NFT each month that will raise awareness and secure funding for nonprofit organizations that work to improve the environment and collective well-being.


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