Organon leaders at New York.
Leaders of Organon participating in events during Women’s History Month. Photo: @OrganonLLC.

Organon launches Her Plan is Her Power to reduce unwanted pregnancies worldwide

The initiative will focus on countries with great disparities, and the need is pressing.


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Organon, a global healthcare company focused on improving women's health, recently announced the launch of Her Plan is Her Power, a program designed to resolve the public health crisis caused by unplanned pregnancies.

According to data provided by Organon, it is estimated that about 50% of pregnancies (approximately 121 million) worldwide every year are unplanned, which not only poses health risks, but also reduces educational and job opportunities for mother and child. Those problems can also affect generations in a family.

Kevin Ali, CEO of Organon, stated:

Empowering women with broad contraceptive access and education is a fundamental driver of equity and helping women decide when – and if – they decide to start a family.

A $30 million commitment

Building on a previous commitment for 2030, Organon announced $30 million more in funding to galvanize global action and community solutions needed by the 121 million women and girls who experience unwanted pregnancy each year.

Unplanned pregnancies are due, in part, to a lack of access to information and services related to contraception, and close to 67% of the 257 million women in the world do not use any contraceptives.

With this troubling stat in mind, Organon has developed a new initiative that includes a portfolio of programs, collaborations and investments designed to advance public health solutions, address inequities, and accelerate progress to help ensure women have the power to plan their future.

“Organon is proud to launch Her Plan is Her Power and work with others to focus our resources and target responses to help ensure all women and girls can plan their future,” added Ali.

Get to know: Her Plan is Her Power

The initiative, which seeks to address and overcome gaps and barriers in order to reduce unwanted pregnancies and empower women and girls regarding their sexual and reproductive health (SRH), builds on existing business projects and with new financing. The following efforts can be carried out:

  • A planned tripartite collaboration with the UNFPA fund, the United Nations agency for sexual and reproductive health, to help reduce unintended pregnancies, focused on innovation, access and education, financing and sustainability.
  • Initial projects planned to support the “Equalizer: UNFPA Accelerator Fund,” through the establishment of an innovation challenge to empower youth by increasing access to finance and training in order to achieve innovations in information, services and basic SRH products.
  • Enhancing a digital SRH knowledge solution with ethical artificial intelligence capabilities to provide insight and analysis to frontline healthcare workers in low-resource settings.
  • Support for the "Equity 2030 Alliance" to accelerate actions to normalize gender equality in science and technology with a focus on SRH and women-centred solutions.
  • The inaugural launch of a global grant program that provides resources to organizations working in communities to create a local response and empower people to reduce unintended pregnancies and take control of their reproductive health.

Organon works to ensure that all women and girls reach the full potential of their promise through better health.

Through the Her Plan is Her Power initiative, the company will further accelerate progress towards this goal. It will work side-by-side with global and local organizations in all geographies with a focus on innovation, education, access and advocacy.

“UNFPA is very excited to be working with Organon to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights and choices. The staggering number of unintended pregnancies that occur globally each year – nearly half of all pregnancies – require the power of public-private collaboration. We look forward to continuing to build upon our efforts to help improve the lives of women and girls around the world,” said Ian McFarlane, director of the Division for Communications and Strategic Partnerships at UNFPA.


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