A group of lawyers. Photo Credit: Leandro Aguilar/Pixabay
A group of lawyers. Photo Credit: Leandro Aguilar/Pixabay

The Hispanic National Bar Association establishes special committee for foreign-trained lawyers

This committee will work to provide a space for attorneys trained outside the U.S. to get assistance with education and employment.


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The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) recently announced the establishment of a new special committee for lawyers who are Foreign Trained Juris Doctorates (JDs) and Master of Laws (LLMs). By creating this committee HMBA is committing to integrating these lawyers into the HNBA community and the broader U.S. legal community. 

The Special Committee’s ultimate goal is to provide a space for these lawyers to share resources, goals, experiences, and career advancement strategies. To fulfill this goal, the Special Committee has set out three steps in the process:

  1. Organizing initiatives, programs and networking opportunities to help these foreign trained attorneys get prepared for U.S. law school curriculum and U.S. employment/careers 
  2. Finding ways to liaise and collaborate with American law schools, other foreign trained attorneys and foreign bar associations to provide support for foreign attorneys
  3. Making recommendations to the HNBA on how it can best provide education and resources about career options, education management, and development skills training for foreign trained lawyers. 

Mariana Bravo, HNBA President, has appointed Michael A Fernández to lead as the Special Committee’s Chair. Fernández is a partner at Rivero Mestre LLP, and a litigation and arbitration practitioner. He also works as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law. He has previously served in other leadership positions at HNBA, such as co-chair of the Special Committee on Latin America and  Deputy Regional President for the New York region. 

Bravo noted that the HNBA strives to be inclusive and welcoming for all, and is “thrilled” that Fernández will chair the committee. 

“He has taught and mentored many foreign attorneys who have sought out opportunities in the U.S. market. He has worked to make the HNBA an inclusive space for foreign attorneys. Michael’s experience and leadership in this new role will help the HNBA better serve the foreign trained lawyers who wish to integrate into the U.S. legal community,” Bravo said of Fernández.  

In addition to Fernández, the Special Committee will also include Ricardo Barquero Córdoba, a foreign trained attorney with more than 15 years of legal experience. He earned previous law degrees from Spain and Costa Rica, and is currently enrolled at The University of Iowa College of Law. It was him who inspired the creation of the Special Committee. 

The Committee will also include representatives from the Compliance Law Section and the Corporate Counsel Division. 


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