Philadelphia city skyline: Getty Images
Philadelphia city skyline: Getty Images

Intelligence is not artificial

No matter how much we worship “artificial intelligence,” it is still down to the people. Their natural, God-given intelligence, creativity and personal…


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With AL DÍA Career Fair 2019 we are betting that the DIVERSE-City Philadelphia has become can also be the foundation of the DIVERSE Workforce our city urgently needs.

We have been hosting this event since 2001, for 18 long years, and this #ALDIALive activity has finally become what it was meant to be since its very inception:

A catalyst in turning the DIVERSE-City we have gradually become into a City whose unique WorkForce, at ALL levels, from the entry level to the highest levels of responsibility and influence, mirrors the Diversity now visible everywhere you look in almost ALL of our zip codes.

This coming Thursday, April 25,the Pennsylvania Convention Center will be the Center of it ALL, gathering employers for which the word “Diversity” is not a cliché, but rather a Strategy For Growth, and a place where college-educated job seekers of ALL and the most diverse backgrounds can come to secure careers and help companies grow and generate more employment, more taxes for our government, and more public funds to make our city more attractive to new potential residents.

The natural intelligence of these new generations of professionals, properly guided and challenged, is where everything starts, even to create the new products of artificial intelligence that will amaze the innovation labs being built East and West of the Schuylkill River.

We are ALL in this together, in what must be a common effort to turn Philadelphia (once again, as we were in 1776) into a multicultural urban center and, therefore, one more Global City— as are today Paris, or London, New York, Amsterdam, Los Angeles or Barcelona.

Participants can take advantage of our panels on Careers in the Top Industries, and also meet the Top CEOs invited to a "Speed Networking" session with selected job seekers.

Register TODAY to participate at Space is LIMITED.



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