A woman's hands on a Ford's car wheel.
Women at the wheel. Photo: Pixabay.

Ford “Legendary Women” recognized in Hispanic Heritage Month

The major auto company celebrates the tenacity of Latinas.


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In the midst of the most important celebration for the Hispanic community in the United States, the renowned vehicle manufacturer recently announced a group of women who have been distinguished by the company thanks to the efforts they make for the well-being of their communities throughout and across the country, “from the Latina businesswoman who exemplifies leadership and innovation, to the Latina woman who strives to strengthen her community.”

Taking as a reference the valuable philanthropic work promoted by Clara Bryant Ford, wife of Henry Ford, the "Legendary Women of Ford Motor Company" initiative honors the journey of Hispanic entrepreneurs who work daily to achieve their dreams and improve the living conditions of their families.

This recognition seeks to help these women “to build a better world, where each person is free to move and pursue their dreams; celebrating their continued contributions in the areas of leadership, community engagement, innovation, and environmental and human sustainability,” underlined Ford.

Ford's "Mujer Legendaria" promo image. Graphic: Noticias Newswire
Ford's "Mujer Legendaria" promo image. Graphic: Noticias Newswire

2022 Chosen Ones

For the past ten years, Ford has celebrated the strength of more than 200 distinguished women in the United States. These are this year's privileged ones who will be honored during Hispanic Heritage Month:

1. Miami

  • Alejandra Argudin, Leadership Category
  • Carmen Olazábal, Environmental and Human Sustainability Category
  • Lileana de Moya, Community Category
  • Anabelle Blum, Innovation Category

2. Los Angeles

  • Alicia Valadez, Leadership Category
  • Cindy Villegas, Environmental and Human Sustainability Category
  • Jessica De Nova, Community Category
  • Valeria González, Innovation Category

3. New York

  • Victoria Jenn Rodríguez, Leadership Category
  • Elizabeth Yeampierre, Environmental and Human Sustainability Category
  • Liseth Pérez-Almedia, Community Category
  • Mercedes Sánchez, Innovation Category

4. Houston

  • Luz Blanco, Leadership Category
  • Charlotte Cisneros, Environmental and Human Sustainability Category
  • Marlen Trujillo, Community Category
  • Adriana Calhoon, Innovation Category

5. Dallas

  • Alice Rodríguez, Leadership Category
  • Marissa Sánchez, Environmental and Human Sustainability Category
  • María Domínguez, Community Category
  • Jessica Sánchez, Innovation Category

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