Norman Bristol Colón, Pennsylvania's new Chief Diversity Officer. Photo Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Office of Administration.
Norman Bristol Colón, Pennsylvania's new Chief Diversity Officer. Photo Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Office of Administration.

Norman Bristol Colón named new PA Commonwealth Chief Diversity Officer

The Latino veteran state official will now be tasked with leading the Pennsylvania’s many DEI programs.


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Governor Josh Shapiro and Secretary of Administration Neil Weaver announced today the appointment of Norman Bristol Colón as the new Commonwealth Chief Diversity Officer.

In his new role, Bristol Colón will lead diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) programs across the various Commonwealth agencies.

“It is truly an honor to serve the Shapiro Administration in such a transcendental role as we collectively work to transform our state government into a world-class place to work, serve, and formulate innovative policy, initiatives, and programs,” said Bristol Colón in a statement. 

Bristol Colón currently serves as chief diversity officer for the Department of Community and Economic Development. He is also the chair and founder of the Pennsylvania Latino Convention (PALC). 

With his experience as a government leader and community advocate, Secretary Weaver noted being “confident Norman is the right choice to lead diversity, equity and inclusion for the Commonwealth.”

“Norman’s working knowledge of Commonwealth operations and our workforce, combined with a proven history of working collaboratively across departments, have prepared him to succeed in this new role in the Shapiro Administration. 

As Commonwealth chief diversity officer, Bristol Colón will partner with senior leaders and employees across the Commonwealth to continue to build a capable, accessible, and diverse Administration that represents all Pennsylvanians.

“Pennsylvania is more diverse than ever before. In moving forward to a shared prosperity, embracing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging values is fundamental to our Commonwealth’s future,” said Bristol Colón in a statement. 

According to recent U.S. Census data, Pennsylvania’s racial demographic breakdown is 12.2% African American, 8.4% Hispanic/Latino, and 3.9% Asian. 

A growing body of research links diversity, equity and inclusion to organizational success, as companies with diverse leadership teams tend to be more profitable than those with less. In addition, diverse teams within organizations often make better decisions than individuals. 

As someone who often touts the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Bristol Colón is eager to take on this new role. 

The chief diversity officer will develop recruitment, performance management, leadership development, and employee engagement strategies to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Commonwealth’s workforce and work with department staff to incorporate these priorities into their programs, policies, and decision-making. 

He will also collaborate with state agencies and Governor’s commissions to develop relationships with key partners and advance opportunities for diverse small businesses.

“The vision of the Governor is for a Commonwealth where everyone is respected and valued. I am looking forward to working with members of the cabinet, fellow state employees, partners, and stakeholders in translating that vision into a government that truly represents its people,” Briston Colón added. 

Other previous roles for Briston Colón include special assistant for Community Affairs and Economic Development at DCED, executive director of the Governor's 2020 Census Complete Count Commission, and special assistant to the Secretary and Director of Special Projects at the Department of State during the Wolf Administration, and executive director of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs for former Pennsylvania Governors Ed Rendell and Tom Corbett. 


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