Women entrepreneur.
Currently women have more tools to succeed in business. Photo: Pixabay.

SBA Women's Business Centers Network comes to Alaska

With the announcement of a new Women's Business Center, the Small Business Administration network gains a presence in every US state.


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Through an announcement by Isabella Casillas Guzmán, head of the Small Business Administration (SBA), the most recent Women's Business Center (WBC) was presented in Anchorage, Alaska, which will be operated by the Seattle Economic Development Fund.

With this new WBC, the 141st, the SBA will have officially opened an office in each of the 50 states of the country, and Puerto Rico.

“Women are leading America’s entrepreneurial renaissance, and, under the Biden-Harris Administration, the SBA has delivered billions of dollars in financial assistance, expanded our services, and extended our reach to help more women entrepreneurs seize the opportunities of our nation’s growing recovery and realize their American dream of starting and growing a successful business,” Casillas Guzmán pointed out

“With the addition of our Alaska Women’s Business Center, our WBC network now spans all 50 states and Puerto Rico for the first time in the SBA’s history, which is a milestone achievement against our mission to advance equity and reach more women entrepreneurs with services that make a difference. Congratulations to the Seattle Economic Development Fund for their partnership with the SBA to expand this network and help build even more momentum for women entrepreneurs in Alaska,” she continued. 

With this latest announcement, the SBA once again demonstrates its strong commitment to creating new financing opportunities that increase equity for female small business owners.

Through its new headquarters in Anchorage, women entrepreneurs will have greater opportunities and recovery solutions, also paving the way for the SBA to reach new and diverse communities, including rural-based Native Americans.

“Since March 2021 alone, 24 new Women’s Business Centers have opened. Among the newest WBCs are three affiliated with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and two in Puerto Rico,” it is highlighted in the release.

Women's Business Centers

These spaces, built with SBA resources, offer women entrepreneurs different tools to consolidate their businesses in the United States. Through one-on-one coaching, training, networking, workshops, technical assistance, and mentoring programs to entrepreneurs on numerous business development topics, including business introduction, financial management, marketing, and acquisitions.

Likewise, through the WBC network, interested parties will be able to learn to navigate through the new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which will give them greater tools to guarantee successful results in processes such as hiring, while obtaining new skills, necessary in the booming industries that solve climate change and help expand global exports.

“Having a Women’s Business Center in every state in the union and Puerto Rico demonstrates the commitment of Administrator Guzman to provide women entrepreneurs across the nation access to the resources and supports they need to grow and excel,” said Natalie Madeira Cofield, Assistant Administrator for the SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO).

About the Women's Business Ownership Office (OWBO)

Established in response to an Executive Order in 1979, OWBO has provided training, advice, technical assistance, access to credit and capital, and marketing opportunities to women entrepreneurs in the United States.

Today, OWBO funds and supports the largest WBC network in SBA history, following its principles of training and empowering women entrepreneurs through advocacy, outreach, education and support.

To find other WBC locations and additional SBA resources click here.


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