It's time to take action against mass shootings in the U.S. Photo: Jordan Vonderhaar/Getty Images
It's time to take action against mass shootings in the U.S. Photo: Jordan Vonderhaar/Getty Images

Hispanic Federation CEO demands action from lawmakers after Texas elementary school shooting leaves 21 dead

Frankie Miranda is calling on lawmakers to adjudicate change after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in an Uvalde elementary school.


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Another day, another mass shooting has recently taken place in the United States.

During the late morning of May 24, an 18-year-old gunman identified as Salvador Ramos, walked into a fourth grade classroom in Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and killed 19 students and two teachers in a shooting rampage. 

The tragic incident marks the third mass shooting that has taken place in the U.S. in less than two weeks, resulting in nearly three dozen deaths total, and others injured. 

As the U.S. mourns yet another senseless, preventable massacre, Hispanic Federation (HF), the nation’s premier Latino nonprofit working to empower and advance the Hispanic community, is calling on lawmakers to take action.

“With so many lives senselessly and violently cut short in mass shootings that are becoming all too frequent in the United States, condolences are no longer enough,” said Frankie Miranda, president & CEO of Hispanic Federation, in a statement.

“We demand that our elected officials take responsibility and start telling us NOW what concrete steps they will take to make our communities safer,” he continued.

This latest tragedy took place in a city with an 81.8% Latino population, according to recent U.S. Census data. 

Miranda called on lawmakers to ensure common-sense gun control laws and systems intended to prevent people from illegally obtaining high-powered weapons of mass destruction, and that guns not be sold to people who have no business buying weapons. 

The conversation goes beyond simply gun reform and reducing easy accessibility. 

There are also the topics of funding mental health services to those who are mentally disturbed or suffering from depression or isolation to get the help they need, and the proliferation of misinformation and conspiracy theories on social media that promote and normalize hate against certain demographic groups.

As has been commonplace as these mass shootings continue to happen, politicians and elected officials have often responded with simple messages of thoughts and prayers.

In response to those tweets, Miranda added: “We don’t want to know how this makes them feel — we want to know what they are going to do?”

“We will no longer accept empty condolences — words alone will never prevent the loss of life that we have witnessed [today],” he continued.

Late Tuesday evening, President Joe Biden addressed the nation after the mass shooting. He noted how no other country in the world endures these kinds of tragedies at the same rate the U.S. does. 

“They have mental health problems. They have domestic disputes in other countries. They have people who are lost… Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen?” Biden asked. 

He also called on elected officials to finally take action and have the backbone to stand up to the gun lobby. 

The attack on Tuesday was the deadliest school shooting in the U.S. since a gunman killed 20 students and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012, when Biden was vice president. 

“It’s time to turn this pain to action,” Biden continued. 

Tuesday's tragedy marks the 27th school shooting in the U.S. this year, and the 213th mass shooting this year overall. 


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