Person taking notes out of a cell phone.
Training opportunities for high school students. Photo: Pixabay.

Fearless+, Ednovate and Girl Scout Troop 6000 join forces to train high schoolers for work

The effort will offer internship options and biweekly workshops.


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College and career readiness company Fearless+ recently partnered with Ednovate, a network of free, public college-preparatory high schools in Los Angeles and Orange County, and New York's Girl Scout Troop 6000 to create a new training program for high schoolers to enter the workforce.

Victor Campos, senior manager of PMC Programming for Ednovate schools, stated:

Fearless+ is a platform that thinks about the student experience beyond the classroom.

The partnership hopes to democratize student access to career opportunities and internships through the creation of digital profiles, and offer biweekly workshops for high school students until May 2023.

Supporting diverse communities

Among the several initiatives the three partnering organizations offer to support diverse communities, the following stand out:

  • Girl Scouts established the Troop 6000 Transition Initiative, which supports Girl Scouts and their families in their transition to permanent housing.
  • Ednovate serves first-generation college-bound students from traditionally underserved communities, with approximately 98% of its enrollees students of color and 82% from low-income households.

“Not only do they give Ednovate students the platform to showcase their unique experiences, work, and projects in a modern way, but they go beyond to help students figure out who they are and be exposed to careers around the nation and world through various resources, mentorships, and internship opportunities. Fearless+ bridges the gap between the classroom and real life experience for our students,” added Campos.

Getting better job opportunities

Fearless+ also highlighted the achievement it was to combine forces with Ednovate and Troop 6000, whose students are leading the charge toward a more equitable and well-rounded working society.

“Ednovate and Troop 6000 are both the exact kinds of organizations that inspire us to do what we do. They prove that brilliance and tenacity can come from any background, and it’s our job as educators, employers, and organizers to democratize access to leadership,” said Deepali Vyas, co-founder and CEO of Fearless+.

Get to know: Fearless+

It is a revolutionary digital platform that enables young people in the student or early career generation to stand out from the crowd. By creating short TikTok-style introductory videos, connecting users with hiring managers, college coaches, and mentoring programs, Fearless+ democratizes access to the higher education and professional world.


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