Paty Cantú, Poncho Herrera and Oswaldo Olivas from Banda MS, are part of the "Vaccinate Saves Lives" campaign.
Paty Cantú, Poncho Herrera and Oswaldo Olivas from Banda MS, are part of the #VacunarseSalvaVidas campaign. Photo: Facebook - Vacunarse Salva Vidas

Mexican artists promote #VacunarseSalvaVidas campaign in support of vaccines

Renowned artists such as Paty Cantú, Poncho Herrera and Oswaldo Olivas from Banda MS, are collaborating on the #VacunarseSalvaVidas campaign.


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Celebrities Paty Cantú, Poncho Herrera and Oswaldo Olivas from Banda MS have joined the #VacunarseSalvaVidas campaign in an attempt to raise awareness among Mexican citizens about the importance of getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

The initiative driven through Facebook, Instagram and the Mexican Vaccinology Association (AMW), aims to get the message to more people and promote prevention measures against the pandemic.

The celebrities have allied with experts on medical issues and spread the message through their own social media platforms. The messages have come in the form of informative videos about the vaccine, health measures, immunization and doubts and myths to dispel.

Starting on Tuesday, Aug. 31, the artists who joined the campaign began to post the informative videos.

Entertaining conversations with doctors and specialists have been clearing up the doubts and myths many hear daily about the virus and the pandemic. To make the campaign spread even more, official stickers, frames on Facebook profiles and augmented reality filters have been created and are now available on Facebook and Instagram so citizens can join and contribute to the spread of the campaign.

"For me it is very important to keep talking about this issue [the pandemic] and use my networks to give people the necessary tools so that all together, as a society, we can move forward. I have been hearing a lot of theories, fears, doubts and myths around me about vaccination and that is why I think it is very important to consult the official channels that have factual information. All the doctors participating in this campaign are experts who inform us well about the subject and prevent us from panicking," said Cantú.


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