The platform created by Angel Munoz has more than 500,000 users. Photo: Deposit Photos
The platform created by Angel Munoz has more than 500,000 users. Photo: Deposit Photos

The pandemic turns video communication into necessity

With his newest creation, Beacon®, Angel Munoz is adhering to the pandemic-induced reality of video communication no longer being just a convenience.


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The pandemic has changed the way we live our everyday lives in a number of ways.

One way is the increased reliance on video communication.

The concept has existed quite prominently with the technological advances that have coincided with the turn of the 21st century.

However, while it has been a great way to talk to family, friends and loved ones who are far away, the pandemic has al turned audiovisual communication into a necessity in the workforce, as remote work increased dramatically.

Over the years, a number of video platforms have come onto the scene. While the usage of Zoom has skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic, other similar platforms, such as Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and many more, have been critical to allow people to communicate with each other from all over the world.

A New Beacon® of Light

In July 2021, Puerto Rican serial entrepreneur Angel Munoz launched his newest creation, Beacon®.

The creation is a revolutionary audiovisual communications platform.

During an interview with AL DÍA, Munoz noted that his motivation for creating Beacon® was to provide an alternative to Zoom and other similar-purpose platforms.

His main elements pertained to its resolution, sound, simplicity, aesthetics, as well as privacy and security.

In less than six months since its launch, Beacon® has reached over 500,000 users worldwide, and continues to grow.

When asked about its popularity, Munoz highlighted the platform’s simplicity.

“It’s just easy to use,” he said. “Because not everyone is tech savvy, and it can be difficult learning how to navigate these types of systems.”

Entering 2022

As the world enters the third year of the pandemic, it is likely that audiovisual platforms will become even more of a necessity, not less.

The use and reliance of platforms such as Beacon® will only continue to grow.

“As the way we all work shifts and evolves into working from anywhere… this kind of platform is critical for people to be able to move to the next level,” said Munoz.

To help usher in the new year and the advanced technology of our societal and professional needs, Munoz told AL DÍA about his next venture.

In early 2022, he will launch an upgraded version of Beacon®, called Beacon PLUS.

The new platform will feature additional features, including AI assistance.

“It will definitely be the largest leap forward ever that we’ve done with Beacon®,” said Munoz. “This next one will blow people’s minds.”

Whether from a personal or professional standpoint, audiovisual platforms have been a great convenience for many all over the world.

However, if there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, it’s that it is here to stay. 


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