The director of the CASA Maryland organization, Gustavo Torres, speaks into the microphone during a protest in front of the White House on Monday, May 7, 2018, in Washington (USA), after Trump's government snatched the protection of TPS to 55,000 Hondurans living in the country and gave them until January 2020 to return to their country or find a way to regularize their immigration status. EFE / Alex Segura
The director of the CASA Maryland organization, Gustavo Torres, speaks into the microphone during a protest in front of the White House on Monday, May 7, 2018, in Washington (USA), after Trump's government snatched the protection of TPS to 55,000…

When it comes to immigration, the Administration turns a deaf ear to advice

The US embassy warned the government about the expulsion of 300,000 immigrants, but the Trump Administration turned a deaf ear.


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If the Trump Administration has taught us something it’s that it suffers from selective omission.

Whether it's about climate change, political correctness or immigration, the White House will always do whatever it wants, regardless of the warnings of those who know more about the subject.

According to the Washington Post, the Trump Administration has activated expulsion mechanisms against 300,000 immigrant residents and workers in the United States, most of Central America and Haiti "disregarding senior US diplomats who warned that mass deportations could destabilize the region and trigger a new surge of illegal immigration."

"The warnings were transmitted to top State Department officials last year in embassy cables," the Post continues. "Its findings were recently referred to the Government Accountability Office," and are currently at the center of an investigation conducted by Democrats in the Senate.

The media had access to the documents and explain that they reveal "career diplomats’ strong opposition to terminating the immigrants’ provisional residency,” referring to the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) enjoyed by Salvadoran, Honduran, Haitians, and Nepalese citizens until a few months ago.

"Then-Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, dismissed the advice and joined other administration officials in pressuring leaders at the Department of Homeland Security to strip the immigrants of their protections.”

57,000 Hondurans, 195,000 Salvadorans, and 46,000 Haitians have been deprived of protection and have been granted a grace period of 18 months to put their status in order or face deportation.

These immigrants are parents of 273,000 children born in the country and run the risk of being separated from them.

Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have been evaluating the conduct of the State Department and, after having access to the cables, have determined "the extent to which Tillerson and other Trump officials undermined the State Department’s regional experts to advance the White House’s immigration objectives," the report continues.

In a statement to the media, Senator Robert Menendez (N.J.) explained that he expects Tillerson's successor, Mike Pompeo, to review the possibility to reverse the administration's decisions.

"It would be woefully irresponsible for Congress to turn a blind eye to these discoveries," he said.


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