National Museum of the American Latino recently received a new grant. Photo Credit: National Museum of the American Latino.
National Museum of the American Latino recently received a new grant. Photo Credit: National Museum of the American Latino.

National Museum of the American Latino given $2 Million grant from the Ford Motor Company


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The Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Latino was recently provided with a $2 million donation provided by Ford Motor Company and Ford Motor Company Fund.

The goal is to financially contribute to the museum’s new design projects and construction. Funds will also go towards the museum’s new creation called, Young Ambassadors Program (YAP).

YAP is a popular program launched for high school seniors of Latino backgrounds who are dedicated to the arts, sciences, and humanities provided by the Smithsonian Institution.

Students are able to come to Washington D.C. and check out the museum, meet with Latino leaders, and also take part in community engagements and events.

Museum Director Jorge Zamanillo said that the motor company is excited and grateful to provide financial support to its interior projects and YAP.

“Ford Motor Company Fund has supported the Young Ambassadors Program for more than a decade, and we are very grateful to have them extend their commitment to fostering community-conscious leaders,” said Zamanillo. “We’re also excited to have Ford Motor Company join us on our journey to bring the new museum to life.”  

Ford is no stranger to working with the Smithsonian Museum. For around 13 years, they have provided over $2 million to support the program, Latino exhibitions and the Molina Family Latino Gallery, which opened in June at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.

“We are proud to continue our support of the Smithsonian to celebrate and preserve Latino heritage,” said Mary Culler, president of Ford Motor Company Fund. “By investing in the National Museum of the American Latino, we are honoring traditions that transcend generations and championing the next generation of great Latino leaders.”

The Molina Family Latino Gallery offers a glimpse into the many different colors and backgrounds into Latino families. 

Its exhibit, ¡Presente! A Latino History of the United States, offers a variety of oral presentations and stories from Latinos and different immigrants who migrated to the U.S in harsh circumstances. 

The exhibits are bilingual and provide stories for multigenerational and cross-cultural audiences featured in different multimedia presentations.

For instance, the museum offers a variety of immigration stories, such as the story of Cuban refugee boats, called balseros, which were handmade rafters that were three feet wide, almost six and a half feet long, and two feet tall.

Over 30,000 Cubans came to the United States this way in order to escape the economic crisis that was developing in Cuba.

With generous donations, such as ones provided by Ford, the museum is able to tell the stories of more Latino voices.