Joan Schwartz, Chief Legal Officer of Pershing, a BNY Mellon Company, delivered the keynote address at Women of ALPFA Symposium. (Peter Fitzpatrick)
Joan Schwartz, Chief Legal Officer of Pershing, a BNY Mellon Company, delivered the keynote address at Women of ALPFA Symposium. (Peter Fitzpatrick)

Latina professionals: Bridging the gap


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For the professionals gathered at the Women of ALPFA Symposium, Adria Córdova highlighted a reality that demands change.

Córdova, Co-Vice President of ALPFA Philadelphia, noted that women earn the majority of higher education degrees (both graduate and undergraduate), and hold more than half of professional-level jobs. However, despite these statistics, women represent only 25 percent of executive officials, 20 percent of board seats, and 6 percent of CEOs.

“Unfortunately, those statistics for women of color are even more dire,” Córdova said.

ALPFA, or the Association of Latino Professionals for America, is an organization that understands the need to bridge the gap between female professionals and their male colleagues. With events like the symposium, which was held at the National Museum of American Jewish History on May 2, ALPFA aims to address this inequality.

“ALPFA Philadelphia is here tonight to provide a platform that we hope will inspire the confidence to raise your hand more often, be financially savvy, and pursue leadership roles at higher levels,” Córdova told attendees.


At the symposium, which was moderated by Inés Ferré of Telemundo62, ALPFA Philadelphia provided professionals and students from around the country with opportunities to network, learn, mentor and develop leadership skills. The event, which had the theme “Financial Empowerment Without Boundaries,” included a series of esteemed speakers who offered insights on topics such as becoming a confident negotiator and investing.

Joan Schwartz, Chief Legal Officer of Pershing, a BNY Mellon Company, delivered the symposium’s keynote address, urging the professionals in attendance to be generous mentors to those who can benefit from their guidance.

“The most important thing every single one of us can do is to help someone else,” Schwartz said. “Life is a journey that’s best traveled with friends. Pay it forward.”

Having confidence in yourself is vital, Schwartz said, but having someone who will champion you, recognize your talents and make sure you’re noticed can make all the difference in your career.

While Schwartz emphasized the importance of mentoring, she noted that it’s crucial for professionals to share their valuable insights and experience with those who are deserving, summing up her perspective with a phrase: “Treat others how you want to be treated,” she said. “Until they give you a reason not to.”

ALPFA is a national organization with more than 82,000 members. To learn about ALPFA Philadelphia and its mission to connect and inspire the new generation of Latino leaders, click here.