Promotion poster for the AL DÍA Nurses Reception & Annual Edition. Photo: Maybeth Peralta/AL DÍA News
Promotion poster for the AL DÍA Nurses Reception & Annual Edition. Photo: Maybeth Peralta/AL DÍA News

AL DÍA to print special nurses edition, host reception


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In celebration of the near 200 years of modern nursing and National Nurses Week, AL DÍA will be hosting a special nurses reception on Friday, May 3, 2019.

"In Philadelphia, we'll be taking advantage of this opportunity to duly acknowledge the crucial work that nurses do in our region, in particular those of Hispanic and multicultural descent that are not as often mentioned."

Among those nurses who will be in attendance is Olga F. Jarrín Montaner

She is an assistant professor at Rutgers University's School of Nursing, and an adjunct assistant professor in the bio-behavioral health sciences department at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Nursing.

The honored guest at the event will be Dr. Donna M. Nickitas.

She is the Dean of the Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden. 

Another guest of the reception is Valerie Caraballo, who visited the AL DÍA newsroom earlier in April. 

She is the immediate past president of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, as well as a current nurse practitioner at Cooper University Health Care. She will also be featured on the cover of our weekly printed issue. 

The special edition of the print will be published on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. 

To purchase a ticket to the AL DÍA Nurses Reception, please click here