Guillermo Lasso. Getty Images.
Guillermo Lasso. Getty Images.

Right-wing candidate Guillermo Lasso is Ecuador's new president

Guillermo Lasso won the Ecuadorian elections this Sunday with 52.5% of the votes, against 47.50% of the votes of correista Arauz.


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On April 11, Ecuador held the second round of the presidential elections in the midst of a rebound of coronavirus cases and a deep economic crisis aggravated by the pandemic.
The National Electoral Council (CNE), with more than 98% of the tallies counted, confirmed Guillermo Lasso, representative of the traditional right wing with 52,5% de los votes, against 47.50% of the heir of the left wing of former president Rafael Correa, Andres Arauz, as the winner of the elections. 
The triumph of the right keeps Ecuador on the path of open market policies. During the campaign, Lasso pledged to maintain the agreement of the outgoing president, Lenín Moreno, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). His opponent hailed the president-elect in the face of defeat.  
"After this statement, I will make a call to Mr. Lasso and congratulate him for the electoral triumph achieved today," Arauz democratically agreed.
Arauz's defeat marks the first for correismo in the last 14 years since Correa ruled from 2007 to 2017 and then designated as successor Lenín Moreno — winner four years ago who later disassociated himself from his former boss.
A former banker and presidential candidate on two previous occasions, Lasso has promised to stimulate the economy by increasing foreign investment and boosting oil production in the country.
President of the Bank of Guayaquil for almost 20 years, he served for a short time as Minister of Economy in the government of Jamil Mahuad.
For the second round, Lasso added labor and gender equity, the defense of nature and animals, and the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation to his agenda.
"This is a historic day, a day in which all Ecuadorians have decided their future, have expressed with their vote the need for change and the desire for better days for all," said Lasso in Guayaquil.


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