What are some of the traditions of Latin America for New Years? Stock Photo
What are some of the traditions of Latin America for New Years? Stock Photo

The best Latin traditions to welcome the New Year

If you are from Latin America, you know most or all of these traditions to welcome a new year and manifest the best of energies.


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Tonight, we leave behind 2021, an intense year full of ups and downs for everyone in the middle of a health crisis. Most of us hope that 2022 will be better, and for that, we leave you with some of the most used traditions in Latin America to attract health, abundance, money, and travel for the new year ahead.

Eat 12 grapes with chimes

Perhaps the most classic ritual in the world is to eat the grapes with 12 chimes while making a wish. Each grape represents a month of the year, so make a wish for each grape. This practice was brought to Latin America from Spain, and is shared throughout the region.


Lentils are a symbol of abundance because when cooked, they increase in size. One of the most used rituals in Perú is to put a handful of lentils in a wallet and pockets before the New Year, so that money abounds during 2022.

Clean your house and open the windows

This is also a Latin American tradition, and we use it to "eliminate bad energies and attract positive ones." On Dec. 31, a thorough cleaning of your house is welcome, and to throw away what is not useful and open the windows wide so all bad things go away.

Burning of the Old Year

In Ecuador, there is an important tradition, the "burning of the old year", a ritual in which a doll is made (or bought) dressed in old clothes, stuffed with cardboard, newspaper, and other flammable materials. At midnight, this doll is burned in a bonfire, to end the year that has just passed and to start the first day of the New Year.

Going out with suitcases in the street

Another Latin American classic is to wait for the 12 chimes to pass and walk around the block from your house with a suitcase. This can be filled with whatever you consider essential, and represents travel. This year don't forget to put on your face mask.

Right foot

A very easy tradition is to go to the door of your house at midnight and put out your right foot to give a good start to the new year. 


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