El Búho y Chancha Vía Circuito Foto: twitter@ChanchaVia
El Búho y Chancha Vía Circuito Foto: twitter@ChanchaVia

High tide of electronic music in Latin America

Pleamar (High tide) is the latest EP from El Búho and Chancha Vía Circuito. An EP that features downtempo and Latin American sounds. 


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El Búho (Robin Perkins) lived in Buenos Aires during 2009 and he says that it was at the parties of ZZK -an Argentine record label dedicated to exploring the fusion of electronic music and traditional sounds like cumbia villera- that his life changed. It was probably at one of those parties that he met Chancha Via Circuito (Pedro Canale), an Argentine producer.

Pleamar is the most recent four-song EP in which El Búho and Chancha Vía Circuito continue to explore how these two streams of music come together and merge.

The union between electronic music and traditional Latin American music is not new. Gustavo Santaolalla was already doing it with Bajofondo Tango in 2007, just to mention one example. The difference is that in the path taken by El Búho and Chancha, the references to Andean sounds are much more subtle, more disjointed and the tempo much slower.

In the downtempo of all Pleamar songs there is something hypnotic that mixes with wooden claves, steel pans, panpipes and Andean harps, the sound of jungle foliage or the whistle of a bird that flew by - El Búho, in fact, collects this bank of sounds during field trips and in 2015 produced A Guide to the Birdsong of South America, an entire album about the sounds of birds.

This mix of electronic sounds and the warmer texture of Latin American sounds changes the feeling of the EP, being more warm and welcoming than anything else. At the same time, it's a contrast that keeps the music changing: it doesn't get stuck in one spot and it doesn't become tiresome.

As shown in the video of El Mago Georges and the lyrics of Una Pulgada de Silencio - with the collaboration of Gus Goncalves - in these songs there is an exploration: to go out to find oneself, to find oneself changed, another, but to be able to know who one is.

Ver el atardecer bajo la luz del cielo
y así permanecer enredado en tu pelo
volvernos a encontrar desde un nuevo lugar
y descubrir que no, ya no somos los mismos.

Voy cruzando el umbral a lo desconocido
ya deja de pensar todo lo que se ha ido
volvernos a encontrar desde un nuevo lugar
y descubrir que no, ya no somos los mismos.

(Seeing the sunset under the light of the sky
and so remain entangled in your hair
to meet again from a new place
and discover that no, we are no longer the same.

I'm crossing the threshold into the unknown
stop thinking about everything that's gone
to meet again from a new place
and discover that no, we are no longer the same.)


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